Check out our Dare to Connect - FREE In-person and Virtual Workshops!

Virtual Dare to be Aware Day
While the Coronavirus has us keeping physical distance, it can’t keep us from convening virtually and celebrating wellness!! We need positivity and a focus on wellness to help us make it through this time and come out healthier and better than ever.
Please feel free to share this page with anyone who wants more wellness and aliveness!
Erik Swenson LIVE Global Healing Circle
Erik began sharing these wonderfully meditative healing experiences in person in the Greater Milwaukee area in 2014, which progressively led to him sharing them in Sedona, San Jose, Ca, Maui, Hawaii, downtown London and more. As awareness of these beautiful experiences continued to grow people from throughout the world began participating in them from wherever they are located, just as others will for this event as well. Erik will open with a brief introduction, your role from there will be to quietly share an intention if you have one, lay comfortably in your safe and warm place and allow the energies and high vibrational music to take you wherever is appropriate for you. Approximately 45-50 minutes later Erik brings us back to lead us through a soft closing and share insights of well-being, bringing the event to a close, while the energies we share will remain with you. This session was made available globally, so you will be joined by people from around the planet who are focused on healing.
ON FACEBOOK This is a recording of the 2021 session
Markus Kasunich LIVE WORKSHOP – Creating Deeper Connection and Communication
Whole being wellness begins with connection and communication with all the different aspects of your inner and outer world. Sincere connection opens the possibility of a deeper holistic relationship with yourself.
Join Holistic Life and Consciousness Coach, Markus Kasunich as he offers his insights about the power and the necessity to not only establish but also sustain ongoing meaningful connection and communication. He will offer practical exercises and tools to help access different aspects of yourself, find greater balance and maintain your center especially during times of increased trauma, distress and uncertainty.
ON FACEBOOK: This is a recording of the 2021 session
Patricia Clason – Successful Living Basic Training – Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence is a resilience tool that can help you weather the ups and downs of this health crisis. Patricia is offering the full Emotional Intelligence Module from her Successful Living Basic Training program. 43 minutes of wisdom and tools for managing your emotions. To learn more about the full program and a special offer for Dare to Be Aware attendees, click here.
Jill Borsos The Key to Your Heart’s Desire: Connecting Mind and Heart
Now more than ever, it’s time to attend to your heart’s desire. Do you find yourself yearning for something but you don’t know what it is? Is creating what you desire a struggle? Do you find yourself spinning on ideas or decisions? Do you talk yourself out of opportunities? Do you disregard your dreams because you feel you need to be responsible and realistic right now? Discover ways to connect your mind and heart and open the gate to your heart’s desire.
Bonus from Jill!
During times of uncertainty, doubt, fear, sadness or pain, it helps to ground your energy, raise your vibration, and to relax into the deeper knowing that you are safe, loved and secure. This meditation is designed to do just that, with love, which can make all the difference in the world. We’re better together!
Closing Meditation and Blessing with Markus Kasunich – a prayer and guided meditation of hope and connection for all of us.
Meditation is a powerful tool to relax, soothe, and balance your consciousness. There are many different forms of meditation originating from various traditions and systems all over the world. With all of the differences, the one thing that almost all meditation has in common is the intention of getting you more deeply connected with Self. Enjoy the journey.
We also encourage you to visit the websites of our exhibitors to preview what you will experience on April 30, 2022 at Alverno!
Dotty Posto - In Plain Sight
Exhausted???? Flying high at work, loving what you do, and unexplained illnesses are starting to creep in? Feeling drained by activities that used to energize you?
Welcome, I am Dotty Posto of In Plain Sight - and I am inviting you to tap into your Energy Wisdom - and take the first steps in developing your Energetic Blueprint. This Energy Assessment Workshop takes you through activities to:
1) Gain clarity around what is amplifying and what is draining your energy
2) Work through a tool to keep a finger on your energetic pulse in a more intuitive, grace filled, and spacious way
3) Gain insights into where you used to be energized - and now you're not - and why AND how the emotional landscape of these activities can be the key to unlocking your energy.
Listen here:
After this workshop, get more support in completing the Energy Assessment with the FREE 3-part series:
Les at Wooden Ships Inner Journeys provides wonderful earth-based spiritual readings to help you remain true to your life path and follow your North Star! Receive lovely guidance for where you are at this moment and advice to rekindle your excitement for your journey from the Viking Runes, Celtic Trees, Oracle, Crystals, Tarot and more! Also connect to you… through a “Me and the Tarot” Major Arcana journey series! Very deep and enlightening… and fun!
Curves of Oak Creek offers you a Home Workout (
Join Kelly from Renew Holistic Wellness for coaching on how to deal with these unprecedented times. Kelly shares some of the top themes she’s coaching her clients through and offers helpful tips for how to navigate during times of change.
Michelle Barney, Ignite Your Dreams Now, LLC Applying certain laws and principles in a certain way produces reliable and repeatable results. That, coupled with changing limiting beliefs and programs to self-empowering ones with the simple processes of PSYCH-K® allows us to create a life we truly love. Enjoy a complimentary mini session -perhaps to release fear, worry and anxiety.
LuAnn Buechler, founder of the ihug Movement shares her method for sending Virtual Hugs to your loved ones and the world during this time of Social Distancing. She is hosting Virtual Intentional Hug Happy Hour every Monday evening at 5:00pm CST via Zoom, live on Facebook. All are welcome to join her, follow her on and learn more about the ihug Movement at
Patty Jackson – How to Help a Loved One Feel Better and Live their Potential Our own frustrations, worry and concerns can be hard to navigate, especially during these unprecedented times, but having a loved one who is struggling can make things feel unbearable. How do you help them without taking on their stuff, feeling alone, worrying, pushing…or lashing out? This video will help.
Welcome, I AM Kim Regnitz from “Song of the Heart”Healing Arts. I’m offering you 3 free gifts for the Virtual “Dare to Be Aware” Fair! Be sure to visit me at the Fair on April 21! I will be offering Intro Holographic Activations Sessions at my Booth, so be sure to stop and visit me! Enjoy the Gifts And the Video! Please sign up for my Newsletter/Blog and also my You Tube Channel. Stay Empowered during all of these Shifts and Changes!
Visit here for your FREE GIFTS:
I AM Courtney, from Harmonious Angels and I’m offering a handful of specials for those who attend the online fair! I AM a high-frequency, angel intuitive here to help you through these crazy times. My new Online Angel Card Reading tool is FREE to use 24/7! Use code “AWARE” in the shopping cart for $5 off all Archangel Roll-Ons and Crystal Angel Keepsakes plus get FREE SHIPPING! Join my email list for an exclusive Angel message, “Angelic Frequency of your Divine Magnificence”. Enjoy more angel messages and everything angel on my website at Mention Dare to be Aware when booking online personal Angel Intuitive Sessions and get $10 off (applied after you book when the appointment is accepted on my end). Blessings and gratitude to all!
Online Angel Meditation on my Facebook Page on Saturday afternoons:
Alive Chiropractic is a neurologically based chiropractic office – Our PROMO for the Dare to Be Aware Fair is your initial full consultation, neurological evaluation spinal exam, & muscular assessment for $20. We are also donating 100% of our proceeds to the Waukesha Food Pantry! Now is the time to take authority over your health needs and allows you a chance to give you back to our local community in the process! Learn more about our services in this video.
Amare Global from Maureen Rochester and Janelle Fredrick
Now more than ever, it is crucial to learn how to be stress resilient in these unprecedented times. Mental Health is the new Physical Health and we encourage you to explore holistic options for the mind, body, and soul. We are a category creator in Mental Wellness and we are passionate around ending the stigma regarding Mental Health. We encourage you to watch our presentation where you will hear key points regarding the Gut-Brain-Heart Connection. Be well and see you soon!!